Passion and purpose

Are you a passionate entrepreneur looking to start/grow a dream that you truly care about? Do you believe that your product or service is going to change the world? Would you like to collaborate and participate in a fun and inclusive design process? We would love to get to know you and see if we’re a good fit! This is a crucial first step because we want to believe in your product/service as much as you do, and help you brand and market in a way that feels natural and true to who you are.


Inclusive co-design

Do you want to thoughtfully navigate the design process and feel a sense of actual involvement and ownership over the outcomes of your branding? Our one-on-one approach removes barriers to collaboration, giving you real skin in the game; co-design workshops and ideation sessions are tailored to involve our clients, their teams and users – the key players in the value-driven brand game. We see ourselves as co-pilots with our clients, pivoting and adapting to consumer needs as your business grows.



Our approach is adaptable across various design cases, disciplines and industries. Because of this, our solutions adapt to your unique needs and are shaped by the continually evolving landscape of your target market and industry trends. Our small teams are purpose built depending on your project scope and we draw on the strengths of different disciplines to create solutions that are relevant and current.

Leafs Graphic

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